How to remove Candle Wax Stains

             Candles have been used since ages. They have been long used as a source of ambiance and have now become a symbol of romanticism. What could be more fascinating than a candle lit dinner with your beloved? Bathing in moonlight with candle glow illumining your face is a feeling each one of us would cherish. Yet, at times the consequences of such a candle lit dinner cannot be cherished much.

          This is because this candle wax might melt and eventually drip down, ruining your clothes, carpets, upholstery, furniture or table cloth for good. Luckily, if removed swiftly these wax stains can be refrained from causing much harm. Given below are various methods which will enable you to remove these wax stains from scratch. Embark upon the directions given below and bid adieu to these wax stains for good.

Method One (For Removal of Candle Wax stains from clothes)

      Have you experienced that devastating feeling when you ended up with wax dripped down all over your dress’s front? Fortunately, a number of house wives’ tales are available which provide you with the perfect solution to this wax malady. Given below is also such a method which alternately deploys both cold and hot treatment to get rid of wax stains from clothes.

Things that you will require:

·      Wart removal spray
·      Dull knife
·      Iron
·      Paper towels
·      Oxygen based stain remover

Steps that you need to take:

1.  The first step deals with cooling down the melted wax so that it hardens up. Trying to clean molten wax will set the stain further instead of removing it. Therefore, give time to this wax so that it can cool down. If you want to speed up this cooling process, you can also consider the use of a wart removal spray. A quick spritzing of this spray onto the wax stained area will freeze the wax and eventually prompt it to come off your garment’s surface.

2.  Once this wax has hardened, take hold of a dull knife and use it to scrape off maximum wax from the stain. This step would enable you to get rid of the majority of stain. In order to get rid of remaining traces of wax you need to follow the directions elaborated in the next step.

3.  Take hold of an iron and an absorbent paper towel. Place this paper towel under the wax stained area and adjust the iron on a low to medium heat setting. Now iron this cloth. Heat from the iron would melt the wax and consequently this molten wax would get absorbed in the paper towel.

4.  If the wax you are dealing with happens to be color less then the steps mentioned above would be ample to remove its stain. Yet if it was imbued with some colored pigment. Then you need to soak the stained garment in an oxygen-based stain remover for almost an hour.

5.  Eventually, launder the garment like you usually do.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Keep replacing the paper towel with a new one once wax has been absorbed. This is done to prevent this absorbed wax from being transferred to the cloth again.

2.  A vinegar solution can also be used to get rid of the colored stain left behind by wax.

In order to learn more about candle wax removal methods from clothes, click here.

Method Two (For Removal of Candle Wax stains from Carpets)

        Just like clothes can get adversely affected with wax stains, similarly these aggravating stains also have the potential to ruin your carpets for good. Moreover, you have to be extremely cautious as well while dealing with these stains since any lack of attention on your part can permanently fray your carpet fibers.

Things that you will require:

·      Ice bag
·      Dull knife
·      Carpet spray/cleaning solvent
·      Vacuum

Steps that you need to take:

1.  This method would make use of the cold treatment to get rid of wax stains. Take an insulated plastic bag and seal some ice cubes in it. Place this ice pack onto the wax stained area. This ice pack would speed up the cooling process, eventually culminating in the hardening of wax.

2.  Now take hold of a dull knife and use it to scrape off this hardened wax from the stained area. Hopefully, majority of the wax would be removed by this method.

3.  In order to deal with the remaining tits bits of wax which might be embedded deep into the carpet fibers, lay your hands on a carpet spray or any cleaning solvent which are readily available in markets.

4.  Apply this solvent directly onto the wax stained area and blot with a clean rag. Once you are sure that the stain has been removed satisfactorily, blot it with clean water.

5.  Eventually, vacuum the stained area to return it to its original, stain-free state.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  If the stain you are dealing with happens to be colored, then blot it with rubbing alcohol.

2.  Do not rub the cleaning solvent onto the wax stained area, rather just blot it gently.

To find out more about candle wax stain removal methods from carpet; click here.

Method Three (For Removal of Candle Wax stains from upholstery)

       It is very probable that your candle stand might topple over and consequently wax might drip down on your upholstered chairs or couch. Removing such stains from your upholstery can be a piece of cake, only if you are equipped with the right knowledge and right equipment.

Things that you will require:

·      Dull knife
·      Clean cloth
·      Detergent
·      Warm water
·      Pre wash stain remover
·      Chlorine or color safe bleach
·      Cleaning solvent
·      Clean water

Steps that you need to take:

1.  Primarily, you have to allow the wax to harden up so that you can easily scrape it off with a dull knife.

2.  Next, you have to make a cleaning solution by mixing few drops of detergent with warm water. Dab this solution onto the wax stained area with the help of a clean cloth and blot gently.

3.  If the stain on upholstery is a colored one, then you can also consider making use of a pre wash stain remover.

4.  If both the above ingredients fail to bring about the desired effect, then lay your hands on chlorine or color safe bleach.

5.  Apply this bleach onto the wax stain and blot with a cloth soaked in clean water.

6.  As a last resort, you can also try blotting the stain with a cleaning solvent.

7.  Eventually, rinse the stain with cold water and allow it to air dry.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Always wear gloves before handling bleach.

2.  The hot iron treatment which was deployed for the removal of wax stains from clothes can also be used in this case.

Click here, to learn more about candle wax stain removal methods from upholstery.

Method Four (For Removal of Wax stains from table cloth)

       Wax stains can be pretty hard on table linens and table cloths. Moreover table cloths are the most likely victims of wax stains as they are the most nearer in proximity and as a corollary are very prone of incurring these aggravating stains. Yet their removal isn’t daunting if you know what to do.

Things that you will require:

·      Kraft paper
·      Iron
·      Dull knife

Steps that you need to take:

1.  This method is pretty simple. All you will have to do is allow the molten wax to harden.

2.  Once it is hardened, scrape it off with the help of a dull knife.

3.  Afterwards, lay your hands on some sheets of Kraft paper.

4.  Place a layer of this Kraft paper on top of the wax stain and another on the other side.

5.  Now, take an iron. After adjusting it on a low to medium heat setting, use it to iron the Kraft paper present on top of the stain.

6.  The heat from the iron will absorb the wax from table cloth and this melted wax will then get absorbed in the Kraft paper.

7.  If you still feel that some waxy residue has been left behind on table cloth, then try seeking the help of a professional dry cleaner.


           Continue moving the Kraft paper until all of the wax has gone satisfactorily. Otherwise it is quite probable that this wax might get re absorbed in the table cloth.

There are many ways to deal with candle wax stains on table cloth. In order to find out more about these methods, click here.

Method Five (For Removal of Wax stains from Wood table)

No need to despair if you get candle wax dripped down on your precious wooden table. This is because the method given below will not merely enable you to get rid of the wax stain; rather it would mold this unfortunate accident in such a manner that it would become a favorable incident for you. This method is extremely simple, yet extremely effective as well. It deploys merely two ingredients which are generally available at every house hold and of course your own helping hands.

Things that you will require:

·      Clean cloth
·      Spatula or a pan cake turner

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, you will have to allow the wax to dry off or cool down so that it solidifies. Removing solid wax is much more convenient, effective and mess-free.

2.  Once it has hardened, take hold of a spatula or pan cake turner. Apply pressure on the solid wax with either of these two utensils and simply snap it off. Maximum amount of wax would have been lifted by now. You can again use any utensil to scrape off any remaining wax film.

3.  The last step is the magical one. It will not only make sure that all stain remnants are satisfactorily removed, but it will also go a long way in restoring your wooden table to its original luster. Take hold of a clean and soft cloth and begin rubbing any remaining wax traces onto the table itself.

4.  Continue buffing until you notice a visible difference in the luster and shine of the wood.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Never ever try to treat wax in its molten state. You will only end up creating more mess that the one you began with in the first place.

2.  Make sure that you do not make use of any abrasive and harsh cloth to buff the table, as this will damage the surface of your wooden table instead of returning it to its original state.

To discover more methods of removing candle wax stains from wood, click here.


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