How to Remove Dog Urine Stains From Carpet

“A dog is a man’s best friend.” And it sure is the loyal companion that it claims to be. However, no matter how much you love and adore your dog, its’ urine stains on your carpet are never met with welcome and pleasure. It leaves a bad a smelling odor, hard to tolerate in your daily routine. If you leave the urine stain untreated, your dog will think of that spot as “this is where I should do it”. When in the process of training a dog, no matter how many times you take it outside, there will be times when the dog will dribble on your carpet accidentally.

Instead of resorting to expensive products to clean the urine stains from the carpet, this article highlights simple home remedies that clean equally well, but are cheaper. Before you apply a cleaning solution on to the affected area, always read the label of the carpet for any specific instructions. Remember to run a spot check by applying a little bit of cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area to check if it discolors or damages the carpet. If it does not, proceed with the method outlined. If otherwise, contact your carpet manufacturer for specific directions.

If you are unable to see the stain, turn the lights off; hold a fluorescent or a black light and move it around the carpet to see where the stain is. The stain will glow in the dark and will hence, be easier to spot.

If the stain is fresh, quickly place paper towels on top of the stain and start blotting. Do not wipe or rub. This will prevent the urine from seeping deep down in the carpet. Also, once you have done so, spray a natural enzyme-based pet odor remover on to the stain. You could use Nature’s Miracle. When the spray dries, use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum the affected area. Lastly, wear gloves while treating the stain. You can use one of the following methods.

Method One

Things that you will require:

·      Liquid dishwashing detergent
·      Water
·      Bowl
·      Soft, white cloths/paper towels
·      Ammonia

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step towards removing a dog urine stain from the carpet involves making the cleaning solution. Pour one-quarter teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent into a bowl. Add 1 cup water to the bowl and mix. Do not use any other kind of detergent.

2.   Now, either apply the solution on to the stained area using a spray bottle, or apply it using a soft, white cloth.

3.   Once the solution sets into the stain, dab the affected area with a clean, white cloth or paper towels. You may also use shop-vac.

4.   Take another white cloth, and soak it in plain water. Now rinse the dog urine stain with it.

5.   Repeat the above steps till the stain fades.

6.   Next, making another cleaning solution. Pour 1 cup of water into a bowl, and add two tablespoons of ammonia in it. Mix thoroughly.

7.   Apply the ammonia solution on to the carpet using a clean cloth.

8.   Rinse the stain with another clean cloth soaked in plain water.

9.   Repeat step 6, 7 and 8 till the stain completely disappears.

10.   Turn the fan or heater on, and let the carpet dry.

Method Two

Things that you will require:

·      White vinegar
·      Water
·      Bowl
·      Clean, white cloths
·      Baking soda
·      Spray bottle
·      Non petroleum-based liquid dishwashing detergent/soap
·      3% hydrogen peroxide
·      Carpet brush
·      Vacuum cleaner
·      Hard, bristle brush

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To make your cleaning solution, add 1 part white vinegar to a bowl, and pour 1 part lukewarm water in the bowl.

2.   Dip a clean, white cloth in the mixture, and apply it on to the stained area. Saturate the area completely.

3.   Blot the saturated area using another cloth. This should reduce the urine smell. In case the smell still remains, repeat these steps. Let the area dry before proceeding.

4.   Now, take a hand full of baking soda and sprinkle it over the urine stain.

5.   Next, add 1 teaspoon of non petroleum-based liquid dishwashing detergent/soap in a bowl. Mix it thoroughly with 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

6.   Using a clean cloth or a spray bottle, apply the solution over the baking soda. Work it into the carpet fibers using a carpet brush. If you do not have a carpet brush, wear gloves, and use your fingers to do so.

7.   Let the area dry completely. Once it has dried, vacuum the affected area using a vacuum cleaner. You may need a hard, bristle brush to loosen the stubborn baking soda particles on the carpet.

8.   The stain and odor should have completely disappeared by now!

Tip: This method is more suitable for stubborn stains that have been on the carpet for some while. 

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