How to Remove Mold from Furniture

Mold can virtually grow on any part of your house, whether it is wood, leather or upholstery. Once it does grow on one surface, it spreads to other areas, moving from book shelves to cupboards and to furniture. For the protection of yourself and your family members, it is important to clean mold as soon as you see it. This article provides you with household remedies for mold that can help you overcome the mold problem without emptying your wallet. Before going to actual cleaning procedure, do the following things.

Before you start cleaning your furniture, it is necessary that you take the furniture to an area that is well ventilated. Preferably, take the furniture outside. This will prevent mold spores from spreading inside. However, if you cannot, open all the windows and doors and spray air cleaners during and after the cleaning process. Otherwise, the mold spores may set on other objects, causing mold to grow when it is moist.

Remember to wear gloves every time you are cleaning mold off furniture. Also, always pretest your cleaning solution on an unnoticeable spot of the furniture, i.e., under or back of the furniture. Since different objects react to different products differently, proceed with that cleaning solution only if it does not affect the furniture adversely.After that, You can adopt any one of the following methods for the stain removal.

Method One (How to Clean Wooden Furniture)

Things that you will require:

·      Water
·      Mild detergent
·      Bowls/buckets
·      Clean, soft washcloths
·      Furniture cleaner
·      Clear coat finish or wax
·      Chlorine bleach

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To make your cleaning solution for wooden furniture, pour 3 parts water to a bowl.

2.   Add 1 part mild detergent to the solution and mix.

3.   Next, dip a clean, soft washcloth in this solution. Squeeze the cloth till the solution stops dripping from it.

4.   Gently wipe a small patch of the affected area with the cloth.

5.   Now, take a new clean, soft washcloth, soak it in a bowl/bucket of water, and wipe the patch.

6.   Dry the area with another dry cloth.

7.   When one small patch is completely dry, only then move on to another small patch of the affected area. Do not clean the whole area at once.

8.   To clean the wax build-up that might have appeared on your furniture, wipe the affected area with wood furniture cleaner. You may also use a fine grade sand paper to do so.

9.   Since you have now removed the protective wax layer of the furniture, apply a thin layer of clear coat wooden finish or a paste of wax.

10.   To clean mold that has grown on the unfinished area of your wooden furniture, make a new cleaning solution. Add 1 part chlorine bleach to 5 parts water in a bowl or bucket.

11.   Apply the solution on to the affected area with a cloth.

12.   Wipe the surface with a cloth dipped in plain water.

13.   To dry it, wipe the area with a dry cloth.

Tip: Do not use chlorine bleach on a finished area.

Method Two (How to Clean Leather Furniture)

Things that you will require:

·      A soft, bristle brush
·      Vacuum cleaner
·      Soap
·      Sponge
·      Clean, white cloth

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Firstly, move your leather chair or sofa outside in the sunlight if possible. Avoid a humid or rainy day. Sunlight kills mold spores and solves half your problem. Otherwise, clean the furniture in a well ventilated area. Open the windows and doors, and turn the fan or the heater on.

2.   Take a soft, bristle brush and brush off the loose mold from the leather surface. If you need it re-use it, wash it before you do so.

3.   Next, vacuum the leather furniture thoroughly. Once done, remove the vacuum bag, tie a tight knot, and throw it in the bin outside.

4.   If you have a finished leather sofa or chair, do a spot test on an inconspicuous area. Apply thick suds of soap on a spot with the help of a sponge, and let it dry.

5.   If the soap does not adversely affect the leather, clean the entire affected area with thick suds of soap.

6.   Now, take a clean, white cloth and wipe the area.

7.   Let the sofa or chair dry completely before using it.

Method Three (How to Clean Upholstered Furniture)

Things that you will require:

·      Soft, bristle brush
·      Vacuum cleaner
·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Water
·      Bowl
·      Sponge
·      Fungicide

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To wipe of loose mold from the upholstered furniture, take a soft, bristle brush and brush the affected area. Discard the brush or wash it before re-using it.

2.   Now, vacuum the furniture. Vacuum helps in sucking out the mold spores that are deep inside. Throw the vacuum bag outside in the bin once done.

3.   To making your cleaning solution, add 1 part rubbing alcohol to 1 part water in a bowl. Do not use too much water as it may wet the inner layers of the upholstery, encouraging the growth of mold.

4.   Dip a cloth in the solution, and apply it to the affected area.

5.   Once the mold has been removed, dip a sponge in plain water.

6.   To remove the alcohol solution from the furniture, wipe it with the wet sponge. Do not soak the upholstery in water.

7.   Let the furniture dry in the sunlight.

8.   If the furniture has a musty odor to it, spray fungicide on it.

Tip: Contact a professional cleaner if the mold has spread to a very large area. 

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