How to Remove Curry Stains from Wood

               Curry is sumptuous and just thinking of it makes your mouth water. Yet when this very delicacy spills over your wooden tables then perhaps the feeling is not so pleasant. The worst thing is that curry stain is not like any other stain. It comprises of the pigment cur cumin which is present in turmeric. Turmeric leaves behind a very stubborn stain which is usually very hard to get rid of.

            The situation gets all the more aggravating when this obstinate stain blights your precious wooden furniture. Does this mean you have to rid your hands of your wooden furniture piece and does this imply that you have to say no to curry?

              Fortunately, you can avoid both of these dire scenarios. To make this a possibility, we step in and provide you with some effective remedies which will aid you in bidding farewell to these annoying curry stains.

Things that you will require:

· White paper towels
· Methylated spirits
· Cold water
· Sponge
· Bi carbonate soda

Steps that you need to take:
1.   Primarily, you need to take hold of some absorbent paper towels. Using these paper towels, blot as much of the curry stain as possible.

2.   Next, take a sponge and pour some methylated spirits on it.

3.   Apply these methylated spirits onto the stained area with the help of this sponge. Make sure that you do not apply the methylated spirits directly; otherwise it is very probable that you might end up discoloring your wooden surface.

4.   Again, blot up the curry stain with the help of paper towels, making sure that all traces of stain as well as the cleaning agent are wiped away.

For kitchen counter tops and other wooden surfaces, which might incur curry stains, you can also try going for any abrasive substance such as bi carbonate of soda in order to get rid of them.

5.   Make a paste using water and bicarbonate of soda. Apply this paste onto the stained area.

6.   Allow this paste to sit on the curry stain for some time.

7.   Afterwards, using a clean cloth, wipe off this paste.

8.   Eventually, wipe the wooden surface with a clean cloth soaked in clean water. Hopefully, all curry stain remnants would be removed satisfactorily.    

· A mixture of lemon juice, white vinegar and baking soda can also work wonders when it comes to the removal of curry stains from wooden surfaces.

· Many commercial cleaners are also available in markets now days which can effectively get out this pigmented curry stain from wood. Just make sure that you carefully go through the instructions first and then follow suit.

· Turmeric is sensitive to light. You can also consider placing the stain affected substance into daylight and the stain would fade away gradually.


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