How to Remove Bleach Stains From White Clothes

Bleach stains may develop of white dress shirts or white shirts because of many reasons. May be it was the case that you used the bleach in excess unknowingly which lead to stains on your white dress shirts. The other case might be that you dropped bleach by mistake and it leads to stains all over. Well, there are many methods of removing these stains and the key to removing these stains is to remove as soon as possible so that the stain do not set and so that it should not become permanent. You can adopt any one of the following methods for the stain removal.

Method 1 (Using Sodium Thiosulphate)

Things you will be required:

·      One table spoon of sodium thiosulphate.
·      One cup of warm water.
·      One piece of clean and white cloth.
·      One Sponge.
·      Washing detergent for clothes.


1.   The first step involves that you mix one cup of sodium Thiosulphate in one cup of warm water and mix it really well.

2.   After that, you should use a clean piece of white cloth and sponge the stain with Sodium thiosulphate solution that you made in step one and blot until the liquid is completely absorbed.

3.   Then, keep sponging and blotting until the stain completely disappears.

4.   Then with the help of your regular washing detergent for clothes you may give a normal wash to your white dress shirt.

Method 2 (Using Peroxide)

Things you will be required:

·      Peroxide with twenty percent strength.
·      Hair dryer for heating purposes.
·      Cole water.
·      Spraying bottle.
·      White vinegar.
·      Half cup of warm water.


1.   Pour Peroxide on the stain area, covering the stain very carefully and fully covering it not leaving a single place of stain uncovered. Use 20 percent strength peroxide.

2.   Then you have to heat the peroxide with a hair dryer so peroxide do not blow away and the stain can be removed more effectively. Peroxide require heat to be activated.

3.   Then rinse your white dress shirt with cold water. Cold or icy water both will do the job well.

4.   Then add some white vinegar in spraying bottle with half cup of warm water and spray it on the stain area.

5.   Then give a normal wash to your shirt and the stain will be removed.

Tips and Warnings:

1.   The piece of cloth that you will be using for sponging and blotting purposes make sure you can dispose it off quickly.

2.   The lowest strength of peroxide should be used as it can damage the shirt.


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