How to Remove Hair Dye Stains from Counter tops

           Dying hair at home can be a lot of fun and very economical. However, when you accidentally spill your hair dye on your counter tops or unintentionally splatter them against your walls or floors, then perhaps cleaning up this mess doesn’t account to that much fun.

           Fortunately, getting rid of these hair dye stains isn’t that tough. All you have to do is keep your spirits high with the right attitude and be equipped with the right knowledge. The best part is that you wouldn’t have to go out of your way to lay your hands on any of the below mentioned cleaning agents as most of these are generally found in every household.

              Just make sure that you embark upon this stain removal process as swiftly as possible because the more time these stains will have to set in, the more difficult will their removal be. Follow the directions given below and bid farewell to these hair dye stains for good.

       Rubbing Alcohol in its diluted form can help you to get rid of hair dye stains effectively from counter tops, walls or floors.

Things that you will require:

·      Soft cloth/ sponge
·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Clean cloth
·      Clean water

Steps that you need to take:

1.  Take some undiluted rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth or a sponge.

2.  Using this cloth or sponge, apply this alcohol onto the hair dye stained area.

3.  Gently rub this stain which has been moistened with rubbing alcohol. A soft cloth or sponge ought to be used so that the surface doesn’t get scratched or damaged in some way or the other. Therefore any scrubby or abrasive thing like steel wool is avoided and a soft sponge is used in its stead.

4.  Make sure that you start rubbing from the center of the stain and then move outwards so that the stain doesn’t spread any further. Depending upon the intensity of the stain you can use as much amount of alcohol as required.

5.  Moreover, the above steps can also be repeated if necessary.

6.  Finally once you see that the hair dye stain has begun to disappear, wipe the previously stained area with a clean cloth followed by a rinse of clean water.


1.  Vinegar is also an effective cleaning agent which can help you get rid of dye stains from counter tops, walls and flooring. The application procedure would be the same as that of rubbing alcohol. Only the cleaning agent would be replaced.

2.  Similarly, baking soda paste helps absorb the stain, consequently removing it from counter tops/walls/floor.

3.  If nothing else works, then hydrogen per oxide can be used as a last resort, however it should never be applied directly to the surface.

4.  There are several commercial cleaning products such as Clorox Cleanup also available which help in the satisfactory removal of hair dye stains. Just make sure that you carefully read the instructions given on their packaging.


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