How to remove Bleach Stains from Pants

           Have you ever gone through that dire day when you had put on your best pants and were heading for an important day at work, but accidentally you happened to spill some bleach onto your pants. You must have felt aghast with these aggravating stains.

         The worst part is that bleach stains aren’t like your regular stains. Actually what bleach does is that it removes color from your clothing so this stain removal process is more like a color restoration strategy. However, this situation is not entirely hopeless and your pants are not doomed to sulk eternally at the pit of some dumpster. Rather, with our effective stain removal tips you will get rid of bleach stained areas in no time. So follow the tips given below and bid farewell to these annoying stains for good.

Remove Bleach Stains by Bleaching the Pant

       The following method will make use of bleach itself to enable you to get rid of bleach stains. It might seem paradoxical to you, yet if you bleach the whole garment then this step of yours will neutralize the color of the entire clothing instead of having a certain lightened patch stand out vividly.

Things that you will require:

·      A tub
·       Quarter cup of Chlorine bleach
·      A safe and reliable bleach remover such as sodium thiosulfate or 3% hydrogen per oxide
·      water

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, you need to take hold of a tub and fill it with water.

2.  Next, take your bleach stained shirt and place it in that tub filled water. Allow it to soak in there for some time.

3.  Now, lay your hands on a quarter cup of bleach and pour it in this tub of water.

4.  Allow your bleach stained pants to soak in this chlorine water until you end up with a lightened color of your choice.

5.   Follow this step by rinsing your fabric carefully with clean water.

6.  The last step involves neutralizing the effect of bleach; otherwise it is quite probable that your shirt gets damaged. For this neutralization purpose, you can either take 30 grams of sodium thiosulfate per gallon of warm water or a half cup of 3% hydrogen per oxide per gallon of warm water.

7.  Soak your pants in this warm water for almost half an hour and then allow it to dry out.


DONOT make use of any acid such as vinegar to neutralize the effects of bleach. Any acid would react with bleach to produce hypochlorous acid or chlorine gas which is potentially dangerous for your clothes.


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