How to remove Butter Stains from Fabrics

Butter is one of the most frequent and most deadly stains for your clothes. Each one of us would have gone through that meal where we accidently end up spilling butter all over our shirt front. Or perhaps accidently you knock over the jar and butter is splattered all over the table cloth.
Naturally the consequences aren’t very pleasant. To counter these consequences and to deal with such stains you need swift and adequate action. Hereby we would be providing you with an appropriate strategy which would go a long way in helping you to remove these greasy stains which can otherwise soil your fabrics.

Things that you will require:

· Liquid laundry detergent
· Water
· Tooth brush
· Dish washing soap
· WD-40
· Sponge
· Warm water
· Spoon

Steps that you need to take:

1.   Butter stains have a greasy oily texture which makes them difficult to remove. Therefore as soon as your fabric incurs any butter stain, make haste to get out the stain as quickly as you can. Consequently as soon as butter spills onto the fabric, make sure that you remove all the excessive butter off the fabric’s surface using a spoon.

2.   Next take some liquid laundry detergent and make its solution in water.

3.   Allow the fabric to soak in this solution for approximately half an hour.

4.   Most laundry detergents are not manufactured to battle greasy stains, therefore most probably it won’t remove the stain completely, yet it would indeed help in loosening the stain particles.

5.   To ensure the stain’s satisfactory removal, take some dish soap. As dish soap generally has a grease cutting tendency, so it can yield effective results.

6.   Simply pour a few drops of dish soap directly onto the butter stain and let it sit for almost two hours.

7.   Afterwards, take a tooth brush and gently work onto the butter stain. Make sure that you start working from outside the stain and move inwards so that further spreading of the stain can be prevented.

8.   Repeat this process until the stain is no longer visible.

9.      Eventually launder the fabric like you normally do.

10.   However if the butter stain happens to be stubborn, then you ought to go for something stronger. Take WD 40 on a sponge and use this sponge to blot the stain.

11.   Keep blotting until the butter stain disappears fom fabric. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.


While treating butter stains, make sure that you make use of the hottest water that the fabric can stand.


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