How to remove red wine stains from clothes

Red wine at parties definitely brings life to them. It signifies good taste and good choice. Consequently, it guarantees a good time. However, have you ever had that bad-and-continually-turning-worse day when your wine glass topples over and you happen to spill your favorite wine on your favorite dress? Time seems to stop as you see your favorite wine ruining your favorite dress in slow motion? Undeniably, that occasion would mark the end of your partiality for red wine.

But, even a horrible and massive red wine stain dripping from your white dress cannot assert that all hope is lost. This is because we are here to provide you with a renewed hope. Red wine stains can be treated by simple home remedies. Although of course, swift action is required on your part. If you are familiar with stain removal techniques, then you would be well aware of the importance of timely action; and if not then welcome to the club now.

Once, you go through these methods, you wouldn’t hesitate going to any red wine parties  ever again, because the following methods are going to teach you how to get rid of these unsightly stains simply, yet effectively.

Method One (Using Hydrogen per oxide and Soap)

This is a simple house hold remedy to remove wine stains from fabrics. It has proven to be very effective in most cases as it combines the stain lifting powers of hydrogen per oxide and soap.

Things that you will require:

·      Liquid detergent
·      Hydrogen per oxide
·      Bowl
·      Sponge
·      Absorbent pad or towel
·      Cool water

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First step comprises of making a cleaning solution of liquid detergent and hydrogen per oxide. To make this solution, mix equal parts of liquid detergent and soap in a bowl.

2.   Afterwards, apply this mixture onto the red wine stain. You can make use of a sponge to pour it onto the stain. For effective application, let the solution stand for a minute to pre-soak.

3.   Next, use a clean sponge to blot the stained area. Make sure that you keep your touch light. This mixture of hydrogen per oxide and soap will help to get rid of the cloth’s discoloration, owing to their stain removal powers.

4.   Once, it is done and you are sure that the stain is gone, launder the fabric as you usually do. However before laundering the clothes, read the instruction on the garment’s tag. It is best to use cool water for washing such stained clothes. Otherwise, in case there are still some remnants of the stain, repeat the steps 3-4.


1.   If you have stained only one side of the garment, then place an absorbent pad or a towel between the stained layer and the clean layer, so that the stain doesn’t penetrate to the other side of the fabric.

2.   Always test the solution first on some indiscreet area to check the fabric’s color fastness.

3.   The above method works well on red wine stains that are fresh or otherwise still ‘wet’. Dried stains are harder to remove; therefore it is best that you moisten the stain before you start treating it. If water is not available, then you can also make use of white vinegar or club soda. Use a spray bottle or a sprinkler to moisten the stain.

If the red wine stains on clothes are dried, you can use the following method.

Method two (using White Wine and Baking Soda)
While the former method worked well for wet stains, the following method is basically useful for the removal of dry stains.

Things that you will require:

·      White wine
·      Baking soda
·      Water
·      Spray bottle
·      Spoon

Steps that you need to take:

1.   First of all, soak the red wine stained cloth in white wine, as white wine neutralizes the former wine’s color.

2.   Then, make a paste of baking soda and water. This paste should be of the consistency of a tooth paste.

3.   Apply this paste onto the fabric, making sure that the entire wine stain is covered with it. Let this paste sit on the stain for some hours. Try keeping it moist by periodically spraying it with water.

4.   After some hours, when you feel that the red wine  stain is satisfactorily gone, launder clothes as usual.


Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasives for you clothes. If the stain still hasn’t come off, consult a professional dry cleaner.


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