How to Remove Grass Stains From Shoes?

Grass stains on shoes are common stains. They can be as a result of playing regularly on grass such as playing football, cricket, badminton or any other game that is played on grass. Other than that you have a regular habit of walking in your garden to enjoy evening with your siblings which result in grass stains on your shoes.

There are very few options that you can do regarding your shoes. First option is that you buy new shoes but doing so can be very expensive as shoes tend to cost high and even more in the case of branded shoes. So you really have to think about something else for your shoes. Second you can give it to professional cleaners, doing so would cost you around the same as buying new shoes would so really you have to think about something else. The best things you can really do regarding your shoes are to remove grass stain from shoes.

The method you adopt or implement will vary depending on the type of shoes and after how long you are treating the stain. It is often recommended that one treats the Grass stain as soon as the stain is imposed on the shoes for better results. You can adopt any one of the following methods for the removal of Grass Stains from shoes.

Method 1 (For Vinyl Shoes)

Things you will be required:

·      Pieces of cloth.
·      Room temperature water.
·      Warm water.
·      Some mild laundry detergent.
·      Soft scrubbing brush.
·      Baking soda.


1.   First clean the vinyl shoes with wet piece of cloth by just wiping it once so that some of the grass stains are removed.

2.   Then add some liquid detergent on a piece of cloth and wipe it on the outer of the sneakers making sure you apply well on the grass stain. Then keep it applied on for ten to fifteen minutes.

3.   Using a soft brush you can then scrub the hard Grass Stains more effectively but make sure you scrub the stain gently rather than harshly. Using it harshly may further set in the marks.

4.   Soak a piece of cloth in warm water and then wipe your vinyl shoes with that warm piece of cloth.

5.   Grass Stains will be removed and your shoes will look tidy than before.

(The surface of the vinyl shoes is durable and water repellent. So you can apply this water treatment on vinyl shoes. For other shoes you can go for other methods.)

Method 2 (For Suede Shoes)

Things you will be required:

·      Diluted lestoil.
·      Piece of cloth.
·      Water.


1.   Lestoil is a commercial product that is best for removing stains from suede shoes. It is also widely and easily available in markets.

2.   You have to pour few drops of Lestoil on a clean piece of cloth and then rub it on the stain area.

3.   Keep it applied on the Suede Shoes for ten to fifteen minutes so that it can effectively work on the stain well.

4.   Remove lestoil from Suede Shoes by dipping another clean piece of cloth in water and then wipe the shoes with that wet cloth.

Method 3 (For Canvas Shoes)

Things you will be required:

·      Carpet Cleaner.
·      Bowl
·      Spongy


1.   Take a mild carpet cleaner and half fill a small bowl with it.

2.   Take a soft sponge and dip it in the bowl.

3.   Rub the spongy gently on the grass stains.

4.   After wards dry the Canvas shoes with a towel. Shoes will be stain free.

Tips and Warnings:

1.   Do not use bleach on Vinyl sneakers as it can cause yellow stains on your sneakers which you really do not want.

2.   Try avoiding alcohol based cleaners such as finger nail polish removers, hairsprays or alcohols as it can damage the material of the vinyl sneakers.

3.   Do not rub the stain with cloth as it can spread the stain further.

How to Remove Oil Stains From Leather Purse

You had baby oil in your Leather purse and suddenly it over spill over your entire new leather purse. Or maybe there is a case when you were having dinner at a restaurant when the waiter while pouring in your dish by mistake spill few drops of oil on your leather purse.

Well you do not have to stress out because such accidents are very common, oil stains on leather purse can be treated very effectively, quickly as well as cheaply, all you have to do is to acquire the required materials and treat the stain in timely manner. There are many methods and techniques of removing such stains. Few of them are listed below.

Method 1

Things you will be required:

·      Corn starch.
·      Tissue papers.
·      Warm iron.


1.   If little oil has been spilled over your leather purse then what you can do is cover the stain area with corn starch and leave it overnight.

2.   With the help of tissue papers you can remove corn starch; Corn starch will by that time absorb as much oil as it can from the leather removing the stain away.

3.   In case you do not have corn starch then what you can do is that you lay a layer of tissue papers on the stain area and then slowly and gently put warm iron on it and the tissue papers will absorb oil and remove oil from leather bag. For more methods read below.

Method 2

Things you will be required:

·      Palmolive liquid soap.
·      Tissue paper or paper towels.


1.   Pour few drops of Palmolive liquid soap on the stain area. Then gently rub the liquid with the help of your fingertips moving from outwards to inwards and not rubbing it very hard.

2.   Allow it to set in for at least thirty minutes. After which wipe it with tissue paper or paper towels, whatever you are comfortable with. The oil stains will be removed If not you can repeat the process until the stain is removed. If this method does not work or you do not have the required ingredients, then follow he method written below.

Method 3

Things you will be required:

·      Baby powder.
·      Dish washing liquid, any that you use at home.
·      Cotton balls.


1.   Pour some baby powder on the stain area and allow it to set in for two hours so that it can absorb as much oil as possible.

2.   Then to remove few traces of oil apply some dish washing liquid, just few drops and rub it with finger tips very gently for ten minutes.

3.   Wipe the stained area with soaked tissue paper moving from outwards to inwards and your leather bag will shine.

Method 4

Things you will be required:

·      Newspapers or tissue paper.
·      Talcum powder.
·      Warm iron


1.   Pour some talcum powder on the stain area. Lay one whole big newspaper on the stain area. Press it gently over the talcum powder.

2.   Add more talcum powder and then place one more layer of newspaper on top of it.

3.   Press warm iron on the newspaper where ever the stain is and the newspaper will absorb as much oil as possible.

Tips and Warnings:

1.   When using iron make sure you do not press the iron very hard or tissue stain may stick on the bag and do not use the iron for more than three minutes on your bag.

2.   Do not pour anything wet on corn starch as it can lead to starch stain on your leather purse especially if your purse is of a light color.

3.   The newspaper is mostly used to set in talcum powder which may spread on to other areas if newspapers are not used to hold it.

How to Remove Coffee Stains From Couch

Worried about your new couch that you recently bought for your drawing room, because you drop coffee on it while watching television.  Or maybe your pet cat just spilled your cup of coffee that you prepared on your couch and it’s all messed up. Well, you should not worry much as your couch can look new again as there are many methods of removing coffee stains.

Obviously, you cannot avoid drinking coffee on couch because drinking coffee in front of television is the best way to often watch television. Often the trouble comes when coffee seeps in and you treat the stain late often when you get time to treat such stains. The key to removing any stain is to treat it instantly. You can adopt anyone of the following methods to remove  of Coffee Stains from Couch.

Method 1 (Oxy Clean Solution)

Things you will be required:

·      Oxyclean that you can easily purchase from any local store.
·      Luke warm water.
·      Bucket or a bowl.
·      Paper towels or simply small white towels.


1.   The first step is that, you have to dilute few drops of Oxyclean in bucket of Luke warm or room temperature water depending on the type of fabric. Mix it well with hands or with any stick.

2.   With the help of paper towels or white towels blot the mixture on the stain area. Do not over add the solution as it can spread the stain.

3.   After few minutes that are twenty minutes wipe the stain area with dry paper towels and check whether the stain has been removed. If it still remains or parts of it remains then in that case you can blot more of mixture and repeat the process after blotting again so that you can get rid of the Coffee stains.

Method 2 (Using Vinegar)

Things you will be required:

·      Vinegar.
·      Warm water.
·      Spraying bottle.
·      Paper towels.


1.   Fill one fourth of spraying bottle with vinegar. The purpose of adding vinegar in spraying bottle is that when you spray you do not over spill vinegar which can be the case when you directly add from vinegar bottle. So it is always better to first add vinegar in spraying bottle. Then spray few drops of vinegar on the coffee stain area.

2.   Let the vinegar set in for at least twenty minutes. So that it reaches and cover the entire stain area.

3.   Dip paper towels in warm water and wipe the stain with it. If the Coffee stain still remains on your Couch, you may repeat the entire process to achieve prefect results.

Tips and Warnings:

1.   When blotting the stain keep it in mind that you do not over add water as it can spread the stain in other parts of the couch as well.

2.   Whether you have to use warm water or cold water for that you have to consult a fabric expert who can better guide you, but if you are not able to get an advice in that case normal Luke warm or room temperature water will also work.

3.   Wear gloves when blotting or when applying solution.