How to Remove Grass Stains from Pants

Do you wish for your child to remain active and healthy? The key to ensuring that your child remains energetic and in good shape is to encourage him or her to play sports. Seeing your child happy and full of life is fun; however, having them return home with green grass stains on their pants is not a joy. Grass stains are also known as dye stains, and hence, qualify as one of the most difficult stains to remove. Along with a few household items, removing grass stains from pants requires one more ingredient: patience! Before you start cleaning the grass stains, from your pants here are a few things that you should know:

·      Test any cleaning solution that you plan on using on an inconspicuous area of the pants. Apply a little on a small spot, leave it in place for 2-3 minutes, and then remove it. If the solution damages the material in any way, do not proceed with it. Different materials react to the same solution in different ways. Hence, there is no universal solution that may be used on all materials.

·      Start cleaning the stain as soon as possible. The longer you leave it, the deeper it will seep into the fabric, and the harder it will become to remove it.

·      Always flush the stain with cold water from the back side of the fabric. This will help you get rid of any dirt that came along with the grass.

·      During the cleaning process, rub the fabric gently. Otherwise, the fabric is likely to get damaged.

·      Make sure that the entire stain has been removed before drying it. Drying the pants while the stain still remains can make it permanent.

Method One (Using Rubbing Alcohol)

Things that you will require:

·      Bowl
·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Water
·      Soft, clean cloths
·      Measuring Cup

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To make the cleaning solution for the removal of the grass stains from the pants, grab a bowl, pour 1 part rubbing alcohol in it, and add 1 part water to it.

2.   Dip a soft, clean cloth in the solution, and apply it to the grass stained area.

3.   Rub the affected area gently, and keep doing so till the cloth gets dry.

4.   Repeat the above steps till the entire grass stain has been removed.

5.   Rinse the stained area, and wash the pants as normal. Your pants will be free of grass stains.

Method Two (Using Baking Soda and Plain Vinegar)

Things that you will require:

·      Bowl
·      Plain vinegar
·      Baking soda
·      Toothbrush
·      Water

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step towards the removal of grass stains from the pants involves making a paste out of baking soda and plain vinegar. To do so, pour a bit of vinegar in a bowl. Now, add as much baking soda to it as required to make a paste that has the consistency of toothpaste.

2.   Grab a toothbrush, and apply the paste on to the stained area. Work the paste deeper into the grass stain from the backside of the fabric using your fingers.

3.   Leave the paste in place for 15 minutes. This will allow the paste to release the stain from the surface of the pants.

4.   Flush the affected area from the backside with cold water. Hopefully your pants will be free of stubborn grass stains.

5.   Check the pants for any remaining visible grass stains. If you see any, repeat the above steps. Otherwise, wash as normal.

Method Three (Using Dishwashing Soap and White Vinegar)

Things that you will require:

·      Dishwashing liquid soap
·      White vinegar
·      Measuring cup
·      Bowl
·      Water
·      Soft, clean cloths

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   One of the cheapest and easiest cleaning solutions for the removal of grass stains from your child’s pants can be made out of dishwashing soap and white vinegar. Mix 1 part dishwashing liquid soap with 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water in a bowl. Stir well.

2.   Now, dip a soft, clean cloth in the cleaning solution, and apply the solution on to the pants.

3.   Rub the stained area gently, and leave the solution in place for a few minutes.

4.   Rinse the affected area with plain water.

5.   If the stain still remains, repeat the above steps. If not, wash the pants as normal. After that you can wear your grass stained free pants with confidence.


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