How to Remove Pet Urine Stains from Carpet

Every pet owner has once in a while gone through the unpleasant experience of seeing pet urine stains on the carpet, especially in the process of training the pet. Seeing pet urine stains ruin your beautiful carpet can make you angry and frustrated. It makes you think twice before taking guests to that room. What if they smell the urine as soon as they enter the room?

Although pet urine stains can be difficult to get rid of, especially the odor, the simple method provided to you below helps you remove the most difficult stains and the worst smell in just a little while. Here is how you can start off:

·      If the stain is fresh, quickly place paper towels on top of the urine, and blot the stained area. Keep blotting till the urine completely dries. Do not wipe or rub as that can cause the urine to seep deeper in the carpet. If possible, place a newspaper or paper towel underneath the carpet too so that the urine does not leak through the carpet.

·      Soak the stain with clear water, and blot it with a clean towel. Keep blotting till no more urine transfers on to the cloth.

·      If you are unable to spot the pet urine stain on the carpet, turn the lights off in the room, and walk around with a black (ultra violet) light. The stain will glow in this light, enabling you to spot it.

·      Always wear gloves while cleaning urine stains.

·      Test the cleaning solutions on an inconspicuous area of the carpet. Apply it on a small area, and leave it for a minute or two. Next, wipe it off. If the cleaning solution damages the carpet in any way, do not use it. Now proceed in following way.

Things that you will require:

·       Bowl
·       White vinegar
·       Water
·       Soft, clean cloths
·       Old, soft brush
·       Baking soda
·       3% hydrogen peroxide
·       Liquid dishwashing detergent
·       Vacuum cleaner

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step involves making the cleaning solution for the removal of pet urine stains from the carpet. First off, grab a bowl, and add 1 part white vinegar to 1 part water in it. Mix thoroughly.

2.   Take a soft, clean cloth, dip it in the solution, and apply a generous amount to the stain.

3.   Work the cleaning solution in the carpet using an old, soft brush, or with your fingers.

4.   Now, take another clean cloth, and dab the stained area, removing the cleaning solution and urine from the carpet.

5.   Let the affected area dry completely.

6.   When the stain has dried, sprinkle a handful of baking soda on the stain.

7.   Take a cup; fill it half way with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Add a teaspoon of plain liquid dishwashing detergent to it. Mix the two ingredients.

8.   Apply the second solution on to the stain using either a spray bottle or by pouring it on to the affected area.

9.   Work this solution in the carpet with either your fingers or an old, soft brush.

10.   Turn the fan or the heating on. Open the windows, and let the area dry completely.

11.   Lastly, a bit of baking soda still may be present on the carpet. Vacuum the stained area to get rid of it.


Some carpets discolor or get bleached if a pet urinates on it. If the pet urine has caused bleaching of the carpet, the above method will not be able to reverse the bleaching.

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