How to remove Blood stains from Clothes

            One of the worst stains which you can possibly incur is blood stains. These stains carry horrible connotations along with them which makes their removal all the more necessary. Moreover blood has a putrid stench as well which can make you sick. These reasons are ample enough to prove why blood stains should be get rid of as quickly as possible; yet despite these very potent reasons, another reason worth taking into account is their potential to mar the appearance of your clothes.

          You definitely wouldn’t want to strut around in public, sporting horrible red stains all over your outfit, therefore hereby we present to you some simple and easy tips to bid farewell to blood stains for good. Just make sure that you do not delay this cleaning process, because dried blood stains tend to be more obstinate as compared to fresh ones. Follow the directions given below and soon blood stains would have become history-stains which will no longer exist anywhere.

Method One (Using ammonia and salt)

       Ammonia and salt combine together to form a very potent and intrepid cleaning solution which removes blood traces from scratch. Moreover, this method would further enhance the power of this cleaning solution by super adding the magnanimous stain lifting powers of hydrogen per oxide. So embark upon the following method and ensure satisfactory stain removal.

Things that you will require:

·      Hydrogen per oxide
·      Salt
·      Ammonia
·      Cold water
·      Soap
·      Detergent ( either dish washing detergent or liquid laundry detergent)

Steps that you need to take:

1.  The first step would deal with flushing away the maximum amount of blood from the stained area. To do this, you will have to place the back side of the stained area under cold running water. Keep the cloth there for some time so that this running water can flush away majority of the stain.

2.  The next step deals with applying cleaning agents onto the stained area to propel the stain remnants to come off.  You will have to take two tablespoons of salt and ammonia and apply them onto the blood stain. Their potent cleansing and absorbing power would go a long way in helping you get rid of the stain, as they would absorb maximum blood from the stained area.

3.  Allow the salt/ ammonia to sit on the stain for some time so that it can carry out its action effectively. Later on, just brush the salt/ammonia away.

4.  This method would make sure that majority of the stain has been lifted satisfactorily. However, it is quite possible that some residue might be left behind. To get rid of these stain remnants as well, pour some dish washing liquid or liquid laundry detergent onto the stained area. Work this detergent onto the stain by rubbing it gently with your fingers.

5.    Continue working this detergent onto the stain until it begins to fade away and gradually disappears. However, if it still persists then take hold of some diluted hydrogen per oxide and use it to treat the stain. Per oxide has a bleaching effect and it will compel all stain traces to get out of the fabric.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  You should always use cold water while treating blood stains. This is because hot or warm water can further set the stain instead of prompting it to get out of the fabric, since blood happens to be a protein.

2.  Never use hydrogen per oxide in its concentrated form because it can damage your fabric’s surface, making you end up with a bigger mess than the one you started with.

Method Two (Using Lemon Juice and Vinegar)

        Lemon juice (citric acid) and vinegar (acetic acid) are two natural acids which have been acknowledged as miraculous stain lifting agents. This title is not an exaggeration or hyperbole, since these two products lift stains from almost everything. Similarly they are particularly useful in case of blood stains as well and especially dried blood stains. The following method combines the power of both these natural acids along with baking soda. So follow the directions given below and get rid of blood stains for good.

Things that you will require:

·      Water
·      Damp cloth/rag/sponge
·      Lemon
·      White distilled vinegar
·      Baking soda

Steps that you need to take:

1.  First of all, we would be treating the blood stain with lemon. To do this, you will have to make a lemon juice solution by combining 2 equal parts of lemon juice and 1 part of water.

2.  After making this solution, pour it directly onto the blood stained area. You can consider rubbing the stain gently with fingers so that the solution can work into the stain. Continue rubbing until you notice a visible reduction in the stain’s intensity.

3.  Next, you have to apply the wondrous stain-lifting powers of baking soda onto the stain. To do this, you have to make a baking soda paste by combining 2 parts of baking soda and 1 part of water. Mix the two ingredients in such a manner that a paste of slightly thick consistency is formed.

4.  Afterwards, apply this baking soda paste onto the blood stained area and let it sit there for a while.

5.  After almost half an hour, remove this paste with the help of a damp cloth or towel. Hopefully, the cleansing action of this paste would have removed the stain along with all its remnants.

6.  Eventually, launder your garment like you usually do and as a last cleaning touch, add one cup of vinegar into the rinsing water. This vinegar would not only enable you to get rid of all stain traces, but it would also remove any lingering odor of blood.

7.  After laundering the fabric, allow it to air dry. It should only be placed in dryer if you are 110% sure that no stain traces are left behind.

Tips and Warnings:

1.  Dried blood stains can also be cleaned effectively with the help of club soda and water.

2.  You should always blot the stain with a cloth instead of rubbing it. Rubbing with a rag or cloth will only spread the stain further.


Anonymous said...

Stains are hard enough fear of blood is one more thing. Blood stains are the death of me, if I have one, I throw the fabric right away but since you gave a lot of helpful tips I might want not to throw my clothes with stains anymore. Since you are good in giving tips, can you Help My Essay? I cannot seem to finish the plot in my article and I cannot find a reliable essay provider for me to finish it eventually.

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