How to remove red wine stains from upholstery

If you happen to be a red wine fan who loves to drink red wine and to hold red wine parties, then this simple remedy is something that you ought to know by heart. The reason for this is pretty simple. Since, red wine is a drink so it is quite prone to spillage. As a result your upholstery generally has to bear the consequences.

Now, you neither want to give up drinking red wine, nor would you want to spoil your upholstery with a big dark red wine stain. In that case, the following easy, effective and inexpensive tips will enable you to treat these stains and help in their satisfactory removal.

Treat the red wine stain as swiftly as you can, follow the method given below appropriately and enjoy your upholstery which will turn out to be as good as new.

Method One (Using Dish Washing Liquid)

         Dish washing liquid is something which is commonly present in almost every household. So you wouldn’t have to go out of the way to fetch its ingredients. Just make use of the stain lifting powers of dish soap and restore your upholstery to its original state.

Things that you will require:

·      Clean cloth/rag/sponge
·      2 cups of cool water
·      1 tablespoon dish washing liquid
·      Dry cleaning solvent/hydrogen peroxide

Steps that you need to take:

1.   Primarily, blot away as much red wine from the stain as possible. Although this step apparently seems quite simple but you have to exercise your caution and prudence, making sure that the wine stain doesn’t spread any further.

2.   Afterwards, make a cleaning solution. To make this cleaning solution, you will have to mix two cups of cool water and 1 table spoon of dish washing liquid.

3.   Use a clean cloth or sponge to apply this cleaning solution on the red wine stain. Keep blotting the stain until all the liquid is absorbed.

4.   Fresh red wine stains are easier to remove from upholstery, however if it’s an old stain that you are faced with then repeat the above processes until you are sure that all the stain remnants have been satisfactorily removed.

5.   In case the stain remains persistent, you can make use of any dry cleaning solvent and hydrogen per oxide to get rid of the stain.

6.   Apply any of these ingredients on the stain, following the method stated above.

7.   Once you are sure, that the wine stain has come off entirely, take some clean water and a clean cloth.

8.   Soak this cloth in clean water and use it to blot the red wine stain on upholstery, making sure that all traces of stain and cleaning agents are removed.

9.      Lastly, blot the stain dry.


1.   Don’t use chemicals on fabrics if you don’t know what the fabric is. There are certain fabrics such as suede, leather, wool and silk which require professional dry cleaning.

2.   Do not apply heat to the stain as heat can set the stain further.

3.   Use white cloth to blot the stain as sometimes printed or colored napkins do not turn out to be color fast and then you will end up with two stains to fret for.


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