How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Cotton

Chocolate is that sumptuous delicacy which is loved by all. Merely imagining its richness melting in your mouth makes it water , yet when that very same chocolate makes its way to that new cotton shirt which your mum had just bought you , then the consequences will certainly not be that delicious. Chocolate stains are ugly to look at and if not treated adequately, can become permanent. Consequently your best fabrics might be ruined. Getting off chocolate stains from cotton can be a daunting task. However these stains can come off easily, if you know what to do.

Given below are two methods which will help you in the removal of chocolate stains from cotton.

Method One (Using Ammonia and Detergent)

If you are looking for something easy and effective which would help in the removal of chocolate stains from your cotton shirt, then this method is what you are looking for. Primarily detergent will work on the stain to get it out as much as possible, and then ammonia would do its magic to entirely clean away the chocolate stain.

Things that you will require:

·      Blunt knife
·      Cold water
·      Washing detergent
·      Warm water
·      Ammonia
·      Sponge/cloth

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To get rid of chocolate stains, primarily remove as much of the stain as you can, while it is still fresh. However this should be done with caution and prudence so that the stain doesn’t spread further. Leave it to harden so that you can scrape off as much chocolate as possible with a blunt knife or spoon. Putting the cloth in refrigerator to harden the chocolate, could also be an option.

2.    Secondly run cold water at the back of the stain. This is done so that the stain may loosen and come off eventually.

3.   Take some dish washing detergent and saturate the stain with it. Rub it lightly on the stain and let it stay there for some time approximately 5 to 10 minutes, so that it may set in.

4.   After that soak the stained area and continue rubbing the chocolate stain with your thumb and forefinger. Continue this process until the stain comes off.

5.   However if the stain doesn’t budge, then ammonia can be used to remove it. The ratio in which it should be used ought to be 1:2.This implies that 1 table spoon of ammonia should be mixed with two cups of warm water.

6.   Once you are done with the preparation of your ammonia solution, dab it on the chocolate stain with a sponge or cloth.

7.   After dabbing the stain with ammonia solution, dab it with cold water and let it dry.


Always use cold water for soaking the stain, as warm water can set the stain further; yet always use warm water for the preparation of ammonia solution.

Method Two (Using Hot Iron)

Hot Iron method has been known to remove the stubbornest of chocolate stains. Just get an iron and some paper towels and you are off to work.

Things that you will require:

·      Blunt knife
·      Paper towels
·      Iron

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   For the removal of chocolate stains from cotton, primarily you have to allow the chocolate to harden. This will enable maximum chocolate to get removed during scraping. For scraping purposes a blunt knife can be used.

2.   Cover the stain by placing several layers of paper towels over it.

3.   Turn on your iron, but adjust it on the lowest heat setting.

4.   Run it gently over the paper towels.  The chocolate would melt gradually and get absorbed in the paper towels.

5.   Continue this process until the chocolate stain gets off completely. Meanwhile the towels can be replaced alternately as required.


Make sure that the iron is adjusted on its lowest heat setting without any steam. In the contrary situation when the iron is too hot, there is a very likely possibility of the chocolate stain spreading further instead of its removal.


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