How to remove Hair Dye stains from sink

Hair dye is an important part of life for many people who follow the hair dying trend. People who get white hair before the appropriate age also dye their hair frequently. Many salons have customers wanting to get their hair dyed, which is why it is very regular for salons to have hair dye stains from their sinks.

 After the dying is completely washed out the customers need attention as they want their hair to be dried and therefore the salon workers don’t exactly have the time to clean up. People who color their hair at home also face problems with hair dye stains in their sink because of neglect. This leads the stains to set in on the surface of the sink and look very unappealing especially if the sink is white or of a lighter color.

It is important, therefore, to clean the sink right after the hair dye has been washed. A dye of darker color like black, dark brown or deep red can leave very dark stains which are harder to clean even when they have freshly appeared on the sink. But in case there was a lack of time to clean up immediately, and the stain set in sink, there are a number of solutions to get rid of these nasty and stubborn dye stains. You can also get rid of these stains on walls, countertops and floors. Procedure for them also remains the same.

Method 1 (Using Hydrogen Peroxide Solution)

Things that you will require:

·      Cleaning towels
·      Cleaning sponge
·      Hydrogen peroxide
·      Cleaning Bleach

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Dry up all the water from the sink with a cleaning towel.

2.   Dip the sponge in the hydrogen peroxide solution and apply to the hair dye stains in the sink.

3.   If the stains have lightened and are not yet completely cleaned, soak the cleaning towel in bleach and apply to the left over stains. This will make the stains vanish completely.

Method 2 (Using Baking Soda Solution)

Things that you will require:

·      Baking powder
·      An empty bowl
·      A sponge
·      A cleaning towel

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Dry all the water in the sink with a cleaning towel.

2.   Take the empty bowl and mix 2 tsp. of baking soda with a few drops of water. Mix both till they form a paste.

3.   Apply the paste onto the spot. The paste should completely cover the stain.

4.   Leave the paste on till it is dry then dip the sponge in water and clean up the paste. This should make the hair dye stains in the sink/wall/floor completely vanish.

Method 3 (Using Rubbing Alcohol and Nail Polish Remover)

Things that you will require:

·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Nail polish remover
·      Cleaning towels

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Dry all the water in the sink with a cleaning towel.

2.   Dip the cleaning towel in rubbing alcohol and apply to the stains. This should lighten the stains if the dye used was dark. If the color of the dye was light, this will completely clean the stains.

3.   In case the alcohol only lightens the stains, dip the cleaning towel in nail polish remover and apply to the stains. This will clean the lightened stains.

How to remove Acid stains from stainless steel

Stainless steel is often supposed as one of the surfaces which can never get a stain, since it is apparent from its name, but even stainless steel can get stains on it from acid. Stainless steel is often used in numerous objects around the house. Often people have kitchen and bathroom sink made of stainless steel which can easily be exposed to acid.

Sometimes, while cleaning the drains or even objects that have impossible marks on them, we often use acid based cleaners or even acid, while forgetting that they are the very reason that may cause more harm to the stainless steel surface. This is because stainless steel is an alloy which may be resistant to rust but is still vulnerable to acid.

Acid based cleaners and acid itself, if spilled on the stainless steel surface react to the surface i.e. they cause a chemical reaction which cannot reverse. This reaction also leaves very ugly looking acid stains on the surface of the stainless steel. It is best to get rid of the acid on the surface of the stainless steel so that the chemical reaction doesn’t damage the stainless steel deeply.

The quickest way of getting rid of the acid is to rinse it off. This causes minimal damage and the stain left behind can be easily cleaned. If, however, the acid has been left on the surface for too long, it may cause corrosion, leaving deep cracks. They cannot be fixed but the acid stains left on them can be removed by the following methods.

Method 1

Things that you will require:

·      Water
·      An empty bowl
·      A spray bottle
·      A cleaning towel
·      Gloves
·      Mask
·      Baking soda and ammonia

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   In order to protect yourself from the strong chemicals used in this method, start by wearing the gloves and the mask.

2.   Clean the area on the stainless steel that has been stained by the acid by pouring water on it. For your own convenience it is recommended that the spray bottle is used to spray water on the stain.

3.   Next, take the empty bowl and add equal amounts of water and baking soda. The equal amounts needs to be according to the stained area. The two must be mixed till they form a paste. If the surface of the stainless steel is rough, add water to the paste so that it is thin enough to reach in through the cracks.

4.   Apply the mixture to the stained surface of the stainless steel. If you see no change in the color of the stain repeat step two. Now add ammonia to water instead of the baking soda. And apply to the surface.

5.   After the acid stain has been completely removed from your stainless steel sink etc., use the cleaning towel to remove all the chemicals. This can be done by dipping the cleaning towel into water and cleaning the surface.


·      The chemicals used in this method are strong; therefore it is important to be careful not to spill them. Take maximum precaution while using ammonia.

Method 2

Things that you will require:

·      An empty bowl
·      Liquid dishwasher
·      Baking soda
·      Cleaning towel

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Add equal amounts of baking soda and the liquid dishwasher into a bowl and make a paste.

2.   Dip the cleaning towel into the paste and apply to the stainless steel surface that has been stained by the acid.

3.   Keep applying the paste and scrub thoroughly. This will be enough to take out a fresh acid stain from your stainless steel sink etc.

Method 3

Things that you will require:

·      Olive oil
·      Vinegar
·      Soft cloth or cleaning towels

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Dip the soft cloth into vinegar and apply to the stainless steel surface stained by the acid.

2.   Gently rub in clockwise strokes till the stain vanishes.

3.   If you feel there is still a little bit of the stain left wipe the surface clean with a clean towel and apply olive oil. Scrub till the stain vanishes.

How to Remove Grease Stains from Concrete

Concrete is chosen for driveways and patios mainly because of its durability and low cost of maintenance. One of the most common stains found on concrete is that of oil and grease, caused mainly due to oil spills and leakages from the car. Although grease stains can be avoided by keeping a pan under the car to catch the dripping oil, you are likely to fret once the concrete stains. Get rid of your worries; follow the steps outlined in one of the methods, and remove grease stains from the concrete easily. Always remember to wear goggles, a mask and rubber gloves when using dangerous chemicals. Otherwise, they can cause damage to you. You can adopt any one of the following methods to get rid of grease strains from concrete.

Method One (Using Cat Litter, Coca Cola and Chlorine Bleach)

Things that you will require:

·      Box of cat litter
·      Broom
·      Coca-cola
·      Hard bristle brush
·      Garden hose
·      Water
·      Bucket
·      Measuring cup
·      Ammonia-free powdered laundry detergent
·      Chlorine bleach
·      Spatula
·      Soft, clean cloth

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To start off with the cleaning process, grab the box of cat litter, and cover completely the grease stain with it.

2.    Wear old shoes. You will have to crush the big chunks of cat litter with your shoes.

3.   Let the cat litter sit in place for a while.

4.   Then, brush away the cat litter with your regular broom.

5.   Remember, grease laden cat litter is to be treated as a hazardous chemical. Hence, do not just throw it in your dust bin. Call the local waste management company to find out how to get rid of the cat litter in a proper manner.

6.   Next, take a regular or diet coca-cola, whichever is available, and pour it on the grease stained area on concrete.

7.   Scrub the coca-cola covered area using a hard bristle brush.

8.   Leave the coca-cola in place for 20 minutes. Make sure that it does not dry out during the scrubbing process or during the 20 minutes for which it has been left in place. If the cola stops fizzing a little before the end of 20 minutes, proceed to the next step.

9.   Use the garden hose to wash away the coca cola from concrete with water. The grease stain should have faded to a shade of grey by now.

10.   Now, grab a bucket, fill it with 1 gallon of very hot water. Add 1 cup liquid chlorine bleach and 1 cup ammonia-free powdered laundry detergent. Using a spatula, mix all the ingredients completely.

11.   Grab a soft, clean cloth, dip a part of it in the solution, and apply it to the grey stained area. Be careful as to not dip your hand in the solution.

12.   Scrub the affected area with the solution till it the grease stain is completely removed.

13.   Once done, rinse the concrete with plain water to remove the solution from its surface.

Method Two (Using Trisodium Phosphate)

Things that you will require:

·      Bucket
·      Water
·      Trisodium of phosphate
·      Soft, clean cloth
·      Stiff brush
·      Garden hose

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step requires you to make the cleaning solution required for the removal of the grease stain from the concrete. To do so, grab a bucket; fill it with 1 gallon of hot water. Add 1 cup of trisodium of phosphate to the water. Mix the two ingredients completely using a spatula.

2.   To apply the solution to the stained area, you can pour the solution on it if the grease stain is large. For a small stain, dip a soft, clean cloth in the solution and apply it to the affected area.

3.   Leave the solution in place for 15 to 20 minutes. The time will allow the solution to treat the stain, and loosen the grease particles from the surface.

4.   Using a stiff brush, start scrubbing the concrete till the entire grease stain has been removed.

5.   Once done, wash away the solution from the concrete surface with plain water. Use your garden hose for this purpose.

6.   Check for any remaining visible grease stain that still may be present on the surface. If there is any, repeat the above steps.


The above solution of phosphate and water is to not be used on asphalt.