How to Remove Urine Stains from Clothes

If you own an untrained pet or have a toddler at home, there have probably been instances when your clothes have had urine stains on them. No matter how much you love your pet or toddler, urine stains are never welcomed. Do not let these stains bother you. Remove them using simple household items. Outlined below are some methods that you can use to get rid of your problem.

When cleaning urine stains from your clothing, remember the following:

·      Fresh stains are always easier to clean that stains that have had time to sit in. Treat the stain as soon as possible.

·      All the solutions outlined below are to be used before washing the garment. Once laundered, the stain can become permanent, and difficult to remove.

·      Always wear gloves when treating urine stains.

·      Test the solution on an inconspicuous area of the clothing. Apply it on the fabric, and leave it in place for 2 minutes. Rinse with plain water. If the fabric does not discolor or get damaged, proceed with the same solution for the whole stain. If otherwise, use another solution.

Method One (Using Ammonia and Liquid Dishwashing Detergent)

Things that you will require:

·      Bucket
·      Water
·      Liquid dishwashing detergent
·      Ammonia
·      Enzyme product

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   The first step towards removing urine stains from clothing involves making your cleaning solution. To do so, fill a bucket with 1 quart lukewarm water. Add ½ teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and 1 tablespoon of ammonia to the bucket of lukewarm water.

2.   Soak your urine stained clothing in the above solution for 15 minutes.

3.   After 15 minutes, hold the clothing in your hand, and rub the stained area gently. Do so from the back of the fabric. The stain will loosen.

4.   Put the clothing back in the bucket, and soak it for another 15 minutes.

5.   Empty the bucket, and fill it with clear water. Rinse your clothing in water.

6.   Next, pour some enzyme product in a bucket, and soak the stain in it for 30 minutes or longer if required.

7.   Lastly, wash as normal. The Urine Stain would have disappeared.

Method Two (Using Vinegar)

Things that you will require:

·      Water
·      Vinegar
·      Bucket

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   To make your cleaning solution, pour 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar to a bucket.

2.   Put the urine stained clothing in the bucket, and let it soak for 45 minutes.

3.   Now, empty the solution from the bucket, and fill it with water.

4.   Rinse the clothing in water thoroughly.

5.   Wash the clothing as normal.

6.   Do not place the clothing in the dryer. Let it dry in the open. Check for any remaining Urine Stains on the clothing. If there are not, you can put it in the dryer. Otherwise, repeat the above instructions, and put it in the dryer only when the whole stain has been removed.

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