How to Remove Mold from Wooden Cabinets

Many times when you open your wooden cabinet during moist winters or humid summers, you notice black spots on the wood, sometimes on the edges and sometimes in the centre. Mold does not grow on wood because of its’ low quality. Instead, mold spores are everywhere, and flourish when the surface becomes damp or wet. Although mold does not weaken or damage the wood, it can spread to other surfaces, including your clothes, and is hazardous for your health.

The best way to prevent mold from growing on to your wooden cabinet is to keep it dry at all times, and treat any existing mold on the cabinet as soon as possible. Cleaning mold from your wooden cabinet can be done in many ways, including treating it chemically. It is best to clean the mold from the wooden cabinet as soon as you spot it. Delaying the treatment can lead to further growth of mold.

Things that you will require:

·      Rubber gloves
·      Dust mask
·      Powdered oxygen bleach
·      Water
·      Soft, clean cloths
·      Measuring cup

Steps that you will need to take:

1.   Firstly, before proceeding, make sure that you are cleaning the wooden cabinet in a well ventilated area. If portable, take it outside. Otherwise, open the windows and doors, and turn on the fan. If anyone with a respiratory problem is present in the room, tell them to leave.

2.   Wear rubber gloves and a dust mask to prevent any kind of contact or inhalation of the mold spores.

3.   To make your cleaning solution for the removal of mold, mix powdered oxygen bleach with warm or hot water in a bowl. Check the oxygen bleach box for recommendations regarding the ratio of bleach to water. It is usually one cup per gallon of water. Stir until the powder completely dissolves in the water.

4.   Now, dip a soft, clean cloth in this solution, and apply it to the moldy wood. Do not create puddles. You may also spray the solution on the affected area.

5.   Leave the solution in place for an hour, and allow it to work.

6.   Rub the affected area with a clean cloth till the entire mold is removed.

7.   Soak another cloth in plain water, and rinse the affected area.

8.   Repeat the above steps if necessary.

9.   Now, let the cabinet dry. Keep the cabinet doors open, and place a fan near it if possible. Drying may take up to eight hours.

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