How to Remove Hair Dye Stains from Skin

             Have you ever tried dying your hair at home and not only ended up with colored hair but colored skin as well?  This dripping of hair color onto skin is only a natural consequence, as each one of us tends to be a little imperfect, no matter how perfect we might be.

              Yet fortunately, there are several old wives’ tales which guide us and enable us to get rid of these unsightly dye stains. There are a number of home remedies available which cater to this very issue; however the method that you choose to go for depends upon the intensity of color, quantity of color and the part of body where this dye dripped.

           Although you can stay rest assured that dye stains do get out eventually, yet you need to remember that the more swiftly you act, the more effective shall the results be.
Follow the directions given below and you will not only be saved from the apprehension of incurring hair dye stains on your skin, but you will also prefer dying your hair at home all by yourself.

Method One (Using Tooth Paste)

          Tooth paste contains certain chemicals which battle stains effectively and remove them from scratch. It also works tremendously well with hair dye stains on skin.

Things that you will require:

·      White tooth paste
·      Old tooth brush
·      Water

Steps that you need to take:

1.    Take some white tooth paste and apply it on the hair dye stain.

2.    You can work it onto the stain with the help of fingers or you can also consider using an old tooth brush.

3.    Finally, once you are sure that the stain is gone, rinse the previously stained area with clean water.

Method two (Using Anti-Bacterial Soap)

Anti-bacterial soap can not only battle bacteria but it is also renowned for battling hair dye stains.

Things that you will require:

·      Anti -bacterial soap
·      Damp wash cloth
·      Clean water
·      Cleanser
·      Moisturizer

Steps that you need to take:

1.  Get hold of an anti-bacterial soap. Apply this soap onto the hair dye stained area.

2.  Then take a wash cloth and soak it in water. Using this wash cloth, start scrubbing the stain.

3.  Continue this scrubbing until the stain starts fading.

                It is acknowledged that buffing the stain repeatedly with water and a mild cleanser can yield an effective outcome. However this comes with a consequence as well. Excessive scrubbing can over dry the skin resulting in several break outs. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you moisturize your skin with a good lotion or vitamin E oil soon after using the soap.


·      Hydrogen per oxide can also be used for very obstinate hair dye stains which refuse to budge with these mild methods. However, it is recommended only in intense situations. Per oxide would bleach your skin and thus enable you to get rid of the annoying colored stain.

·      It is best that you take precautionary measures prior to the hair dye application. In this way you would be saved from the trouble of embarking upon various stain removal techniques.

·      Baking soda, nail polish remover, petroleum jelly and baby oil all have proven to be helpful in getting out dye stains from skin.

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